Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm a prepper, she's a prepper......

I have a new obsession! It's basically a homesteading obsession with a slight prepper bend. I spend HOURS everyday thinking about, researching, talking about everything homesteaderish. I want to buy a piece of land which I have researched endlessly and have found that you can get land for CHEAP. How about an acre in Joshua Tree for $5000.00 I'm not kidding. 5 grand. Or maybe you prefer a lake to the desert, so how about a quarter acre in big bear for $7000.00? It's amazing how cheaply you can purchase a piece of land. There are parts of California that don't even charge you for the land if you will pay them to build your house.

It's pretty amazing and fodder for many fantasies. Here in Topanga where I live now, there are pieces of land for sale under 30,000. I have also researched building a small house, say 700 sq ft and it seems that this can be done for under $60,000. Significantly less than that even, but I would need to pay someone to build it so I'd be on that higher end. Now I'm not saying that I have 90,000 laying around, but imagine owning your own home and land for under 90,000? Or how about owning your own land and home for less than $30,000? If you bought land that was under $10,000 - possible in California - and you built say a cob house:

Which is made from earth, sand and straw - almost no money - but MANY man hours. You could total out at less than 30,000 likely including your solar and other systems.

Or how about a tiny house:


People are building these for as little as $3500. The trade off is very little space but even that has it's benefits.

In my fantasy, my house will be off grid, run by solar and wind, I will dig a well or install a rainwater system and grey water recycling. I will have a composting toilet. I will build my house with a greenhouse attached to the kitchen, I will have chickens and goats and become totally self sufficient!

My house will be small instead of tiny:

I can't tell you the number of hours I spend planning this.
The idea of that kind of lifestyle appeals to me so much for so many reasons. Which I will detail in the next blog.

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